Burial Register Notes wrt plot locations (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Wednesday, August 29, 2012, 14:27 (4572 days ago) @ slowhands

Hi Slowhands, thanks for re-emphasising the prior thread.
For my benefit and perhaps Jevans too, please can you or someone clarify my comment in my earlier post ?
"Re the Burial Record I always thought the quoted Register Reference numbers relate to the Plot number, perhaps indirectly by referring to the Church's own plan ?."

This is just the impression I've got from reading posts on this forum, I've never actually searched for a plot in a Churchyard. However given the findings on the example above, and after thinking more and re-searching this forum, I see that this was an error on my part.
Given the huge number of Graveyards over a large area, and the hundreds of years covered by their Burial Records,and the variety of Ministers recording the Burials, I now think I'm correct that there probably wasn't a standardised method of registering Burials and identifying and mapping plots ?. I know that some of the Burial Records do contain Plot References, although I suspect in many cases one still has to have the relevant Graveyard Plan to make sense of them.

Is this a reasonable grasp of the situation, please ?

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