Lovell G SMITH (General)

by Lawrencef ⌂ @, Trentham, Australia, Wednesday, November 28, 2012, 01:49 (4482 days ago) @ m p griffiths

I'm pretty certain that my Olive Smith is not the Olive Smith who is married to Charles. I'm not 100% on that but I looked into that connection and there were records and a trail for them both in Wales coming to the FOD...

This is interesting tho and I haven't come across this record before...

FOD records - Baptism at Littledean - 29 June 1916
Parents Surname: SMITH
Childs Forenames: Lovell Glendowel
Father's Surnames: James (occupation: Miner)
Mother's Forename : Olive
Residence: High St. Cinderford
Event: baptism
born May 4 1900 (? should this be 1906)

I'm pretty certain that the Fathers forename mentioned above refers to James Smith (b.1842 d.1912) who is the father of Albert Smith (b1868 d1891 Runcorn), Olive's father i.e. his great grandfather who bought him up.

Lovells birthday was 4 May 1906 so it must be a transcription error. :-)

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