Duval Alfred Lovell CORDY 1906 - 1981 (General)

by Lawrencef ⌂ @, Trentham, Australia, Thursday, December 27, 2012, 10:03 (4453 days ago) @ arriano

Hi, Sorry about the delay in replying, we've moved 9000km and resettled so the internet has been patchy.

If anyone on this list does genetic genealogy then you can serarch against my dna at http://www.gedmatch.com/ my id is f230110

I won't have the Lovell DNA myself, as he is my great uncle but I'd be interested in hearing of any matches from the FOD regardless.

I suspect that Lovell got the Glendower in his name from his unknown father as well as neither name is common in the family tree...



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