FOX, Henry and James, continued (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Tuesday, September 06, 2016, 22:40 (3103 days ago) @ Jefff

Hi again Carl,
searching this forum's prior threads for "Henry Fox" gives the following Marriage in Australia, which I'm sure you already know about given your NZ roots;

"Richard Albert, fourth son of the late Henry Fox, Coleford, Gloucestershire, to Gertrude Syddall, youngest daughter of Ellen and the late Joseph Williams, Melbourne."


Sure enough, this site's PRs gives

Record_ID: 11035
Entry_Number: 2880
Year: 1879
Month: Jun
Day: 1
Parents_Surname: FOX
Child_Forenames: Richard Albert
Fathers_Forenames: Henry
Mothers_Forenames: Clara
Residence: Barn Hill West Dean
Occupation: Collier
Officiating_Minister: Thomas Holbrow Curate
Event: Baptism
Memoranda: Born May 12
Register_Reference: P93 IN I/6
Page_Number: 123
Parish_Chapel: Coleford
Soundex: F200

Which gives the household in the next Census;

1881 Barn Hill, West Dean
Given Name Surname Relationship to Head Marital Status Age Estimated Birth Year Gender Occupation Birth City Birth County Birth Country
Henry Fox Head Married 36 1845 Male Coal Miner Gloucestershire England
Clara Fox Wife Married 29 1852 Female Gloucestershire England
James Fox Son 8 1873 Male Sch Gloucestershire England
Henry Fox Son 6 1875 Male Sch Gloucestershire England
Richard Fox Son 2 1879 Male Gloucestershire England
Desima Fox Daughter 6 months 1880 Female Barn Hill Gloucestershire

Next door but one are

Richard Fox Head Married 66 1815 Male Coal Miner Unemployed Newland Gloucestershire England
Desima Fox Wife Married 61 1820 Female West Dean Gloucestershire England
Milson Fox Son 19 1862 Male Coal Miner West Dean Gloucestershire England
Tom Fox Son 18 1863 Male Coal Miner West Dean
Coal Miner West Dean Gloucestershire England
William Page Grandson 13 1868 Male Coal Miner West Dean Gloucestershire England
George Page Grandson 10 1871 Male Letter Carryer West Dean Gloucestershire England
Benjamin Morgan Grandson 4 1877 Male Scho West Dean

Are the "Page" grandsons anything to do with the aforementioned "Fox and Pace" Bixlade mine owners ?


Another source worth looking-up, particularly where we know our ancestors were in business, are the old Trade Directories. The following site has several for the area, don't forget to look in the "West Dean"s as well as "Coleford" etc.

Sadly, I cannot find any "Fox" entries in the coal mining/selling trade, hopefully they are there but I missed them ?. Or maybe they just didn't want, or need, to pay to be included. However I suspect these names ARE in your tree, from the 1902 Coleford Directory from the above webpage.

FOX Amos, shopkeeper, Broadwell Lane end

FOX Mary (Miss), Plough Inn, Coalway Lane end

FOX Richard, grocer, Mitchelldean Lane end

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