FOX, Henry and James, continued (General)

by Travellingman66, Sunday, January 31, 2021, 17:49 (1495 days ago) @ Carl


So due to lock down I'm sat at home researching my family tree.

Henry John Fox (1845-1917) was my great great grandfather.

I have discovered quite a bit from this excellent source and hope I can add a photo or two in the future.

If/When we can get out of the house again I'll be planning a trip to the Cotswolds and Coleford.
We now live in Cambridgeshire so it's not too far for a little holiday.

We'll be trying to get photos of graves and burial sites the Fox family.

Did you get to Coleford and if so did you get any further information that could be helpful?

You and I may be related!

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