CROWDLEY or CROWDLEY etc (General)

by A35RDAMEEK, Tuesday, November 28, 2006, 13:20 (6673 days ago) @ DaiJones

I'm a Meek and a direct descendant of Richard Meek b. 1857 son of Richard and Ann. Richard's birth certificate was signed as "x" by Ann Meek formerly "Cloudley". Both Richard's were miner's as were his other sons. Interestingly Richard b.1857 and William b.1843 both went to the states (rumoured Ohio/Penn.) in the 1880'S either for mining work or lumber. Richard travelled out with William's Wife and 3 daughters in May 1882 on the City of Richmond to NY. William therefore already there at that time. William's wife Jane (nee. Davis born in Ireland) later had a son William born in the U.S.A from this visit! has a copy of the passage list and a copy of the ship photo. Our common grandfather line travels back through Joseph Meek m. Hannah Cook and I believe his father was Joseph Meek m. Ann Harris (both marriages Ruardean). Could do with confirmation of this and any earlier lineage if you or anyone has any data to add - my skills in the 1700's era are still shakey?

Hope this helps a little and gives a bit more interest to the "Meeks"!

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