CROWDLEY or CROWDLEY etc (General)

by jimashton @, Thursday, November 30, 2006, 02:30 (6671 days ago) @ A35RDAMEEK


I have followed this with interest as it now appears I am related to both of you. Richard Meek born 1857 married Elizabeth Ann Marfell 1.4.1892 St Mary de Lode, Gloucester. I have the certificate, which I am happy to email to you. I had not realised that Richard Meek's father Richard married Ann Cloudley - I just new he had married an "Ann". What makes it more interesting is that I already had Ann Cloudley in my Family Tree as her sister Mary Ann Cloudley married William Marfell. If you haven't got it already, Ann & Mary Ann's parents John Cloudley & Ann Gough were married 27.10.1808 Mitcheldean.
I do not think Richard Meek 1857 stayed in USA as I have a copy of his 1901 Census entry in Drybrook living next to his mother in law Elizabeth Marfell nee Mutlow and his brother in law Albert Marfell.
I would be very interested in the descendants of William Henry Palmer and will also email you both as I am sure we can assist each other.
Jim Ashton

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