EVERSON - Monmouth & FoD (General)

by MPGriffiths @, Tuesday, December 10, 2019, 10:53 (1910 days ago) @ Lbirt1993


Which John EVERSON - there are quite a few in this thread!

Under Resources:

Gloucestershire Marriage Allegations: 1637 -1837 and Marriage Bonds - 1730-1823

Licence: Record ID 6725 Entry No 159

4 October 1776

John EVERSON - aged 30, Bachelor, occupation: Forge man (c1746) ***
residence: English Bicknor

Mary DUFF - aged 40 - Widow, residence: English Bicknor

Memoranda: To marry at English Bicknor, swon before James MEREDITH



Record ID 66836 Entry No 308

4 October 1776

John EVERSON, occupation: Forgeman, residence: English Bicknor

Mary DUNN Widow, residence: English Bicknor


Original on Ancestry read: Mary DUN


----Baptism at Monmouth - 4 May 1746

John EVERSON, parents: John & Susanna


? before the marriage

Baptism at English Bicknor, 27 January 1771

Mary - daughter of John, (no mother's name) EVERSON

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