EVERSON - Monmouth & FoD (General)

by Lbirt1993, Thursday, December 12, 2019, 21:20 (1908 days ago) @ bexxi

Hi Rebecca,
It really is! That’s crazy! Which of the Eversons is your grandparents?
Thank you for the information - I haven’t managed to get that far just yet!
I think I have a breakthrough on John Everson’s parents!
Someone who is tracing the tree on Ancestry has Edward Everson (b. 1748 in Monmouth) married to Mary Morgan (b. 1774) and they have 2 (potentially more but this tree only has two - although I have come across one with more) one is ‘our’ John (1773) And the other is William (1775)!
And Edward’s parents as John Everson (1707) and Susannah Evans (1708)!

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