William FROWEN Newland 1799/1800 & associated thread (General)

by Philippa, Monday, January 15, 2007, 02:09 (6625 days ago) @ Philippa

I've just gone back and checked the children I have for William and Elizabeth and looked at the Parish Records, those listed on the thread you pointed me to are:-

George baptised 1804
Hannah baptised 1812
John baptised 1814
Henry baptised 1818 - my Gt Gt Gt Grandfather
James baptised 1824

(I can't find dates, at first glance, for the others)

I also have William and Edward from another source which are not on this list.

I have gone back and looked at the cenus info for these people and need to be sure of the names of the wives and husbands before I can be certain, does anyone have these people firmly in their tree?

Many thanks, fantastic and helpful site!!

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