William FROWEN born 1799 Newland (General)

by Philippa, Tuesday, January 16, 2007, 07:18 (6624 days ago) @ Simone

Hi Simone

Thank you, I was hoping you would get in contact! We are closer than you think as Henry b 1854 and Hannah b1854? are my Gt Gt Grandparents, I am from their second son, William. It would be lovely to see what else you have and I am more than happy to share what I have, although I suspect you already have most of it judging by your postings.

I don't think we have been in contact before and I don't think I have been in contact with Stephanie either.

I have looked to see if I have a Fredrick Frowen for you Janice, but the only one I can find was born in 1885 so not likely to be the same one, but at the moment I have only gone up to the 1901 cenus.

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