FOD families listed as Chepstow, Monthmouthshire (General)

by Rachel Hill, Wednesday, February 28, 2007, 15:39 (6579 days ago)

Hello all,

Any advise as to how I can search for families that live in the FOD, but for some reason
ended up in the Chepstow, Monmouthshire Civil Records?

The area that I am researching is the St. Briavel's Common.

Here is an example of a marriage that I am looking for:

Free BMD England and Wales Marriage Index
Name: Sarah Ann Lewis
Name: James Wood
Year of Registration: 1885
Quarter of Registration: Apr-May-Jun
District: Chepstow
County: Gloucestershire, Monmouthshire
Volume: 11a
Page: 5

Would I have to visit the Monmouthshire Record Office or mail away for the certificate
to get the more specific details of the marriage?

Is there a similar site to the "Forest of Dean Family History" for this area on the internet?

Any advise as to how I can effectively research the area for B/M/D parish records?
I live overseas, so I am unable to visit the record office in person. Should that be the case
I want to make preperations to do so effectively during my next visit to the area.


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