FOD families listed as Chepstow, Monthmouthshire (General)

by Rachel Hill, Wednesday, March 07, 2007, 16:19 (6572 days ago) @ Joanne


Thank-you for looking up Ernest Hill's information. It may very well be useful to me a some point.

I just realized that I was looking at a different Ernest Hill.

This one is Ernest Hill, Bream's Tuff, who died Jan 4 1907 age 18

I have this Ernest Hill listed in the 1901 census with paternal grandmother Elizabeth Phelps (who remarried) and her second husband's children. I am looking for when this Ernest was born (approx 1888-1889) and who are his mother (daughter of Elizabeth)/ father. Likely in the Bream/Whitecroft/Parkend area.

Much appreciated,
Rachel Hil Greiner

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