Milo LLOYD (General)

by byuscavage, Sunday, July 29, 2007, 08:46 (6428 days ago)

My greatgrandfather, Milo Lloyd, was born in about 1837 to, according to his obituary, Lewis and Maria Lloyd in a town which I cannot find in the UK. I have found a Milo Lloyd born to parents of the same name from the Forest of Dean area. I have followed him the in census including his marriage to Ann (Halfour) and the birth of his children. They lived in Newland, Coleford, and Christ Church, I believe. The 1871 census, states that he went to America. The 1881 UK census states that a woman matching Ann's desription was a widow.

The only immigration record I can find for a Milo was for 1873, which first makes me wonder where he was for 2 years.

My Milo married in the US and had a family. One daughter had the same name as the English Milo's siter- Therza. My Milo named a daughter Elizabeth- the same as the English Milo.

My Milo would not discuss his backround and would only say that he was the "black sheep" of the family dispite the fact that he was quite religious.

It certainly appears that these are the same men. I am searching for any descendants of Milo's English family in the hope that there is some oral tradition that might explain why this family may have separated.

Many thanks for your help in advance.

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