Lewis LLOYD 1806 - 1886 White Cliff nr Coleford (General)

by byuscavage, Monday, July 30, 2007, 17:51 (6427 days ago) @ slowhands

Thanks so much for the quick reply. You furnished me with items I didn't have, including the info on his father and his own baptism. No wonder I couldn't find the one census with the name spelled "Loyd"!

I have a few theories on this separation. Perhaps by the time he got money to send for them, they decided they didn't want to go. Maybe she never wanted to go in the first place. I find it interesting that she lists herself as a widow in one census. I wonder if she stopped hearing from him or perhaps this was their way of ending a relationship that could not be fixed because they couldn't agree on location. From what I know of him, he does not seem to be the sort to easily condone divorce.

I have been watching the flooding in England with great sympathy. We have had this scale tragedy in this area 30 years ago. My heart goes out to these people.

Are you a part of the Lloyd family? I will be sharing this info with my cousins here and I know they too will be appreciative of your help.


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