Recent events are not on-line for privacy reasons (General)

by monfamilies, Monday, November 05, 2007, 05:04 (6329 days ago) @ admin

I get the impression from speaking to the I.C.O that they are concerned with the internet over this issue, and there is no law in statute that says you can not produce baptism & marriage information, and make it available to the public via the internet or in any other format. There seems a contradiction in their argument over the issue of public office being lawfully justified to make these records available and any other individual doing the same thing.

Personally I dont deem baptisms & marriages as sensitive information that could be used by criminals, these events were done in public, they are usually public knowledge and in some cases events were published in local rags.

If this issue is on statute, then where do you draw the line, are we as family historians not allowed to publish our family trees for the past 100 years.

There are many records which have a time period over when you can view them, such as health & criminal records, but we are not talking about a state secret when it comes to someone being baptised or married, surely to deny public knowledge of these events, flys in the face of the very nature of being baptised and getting married, I was under the impression that these events are to be celebrated, So if we live in a christian society, is God the only being to have full knowledge of these events and who particpated in them. Until I see it writing that I am braking the law, I will leave things as they are on my website.

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