Data Protection (General)

by monfamilies, Monday, November 05, 2007, 10:26 (6328 days ago) @ slowhands

"We all need to act responsibly and respect peoples privacy".

If that is the case then church records should not be available for anyone to see up to 100 years.

At the end of the day church records are public records and have no date restriction on them, the information in them is neither sensitive or private. The information would never be used for identity fraud, because it is the wrong data and out of date, Identity fraudsters use more recent information to steal someones identity.

If someone wrote to me, and said that he was not happy to have details of his baptism or marriage on my website, then I would remove them, Most people in my opinion would have no problem in having their baptism or marriage details on the web for people to research their family history.

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