Can anyone read census image please (General)

by monfamilies, Thursday, December 27, 2007, 22:41 (6275 days ago) @ Simone

It is Chuck & Free Stone vendor

Chuck \\Chuck\\ (ch[u^]k), n.
1. A small pebble; -- called also chuckstone and
chuckiestone. [Scot.]
[1913 Webster]

A freestone is a stone used in architecture for molding, tracery and other work required to be worked with the chisel. The stone must be fine-grained, uniform and soft enough to be cut easily without shattering or splitting. Some sources say that the stone has no grain, but this is incorrect. Oolitic stones are generally used, although in some countries soft sandstones are used; in some churches an indurated chalk called clunch is employed for internal lining and for carving. Some believe that freemason originally meant one who is capable of carving freestone.

Freestone is also a family name, the origins of which date back to lace makers in the middlelands in England in the 1700's

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