Geology time ! (General)

by Simone @, Friday, December 28, 2007, 02:25 (6275 days ago) @ slowhands

Ooh thanks Slowhands!

Wonder, would she have had to collect it herself or did she buy it and sell it on?

Whatever, I'm glad to see she found some sort of way to try and make ends meet, her husband having literally 'gone to bed, bumped his head and couldn't get up in the morning'

On the 23 March 1861, the Monmouthshire Merlin records -

' FATAL ACCIDENT - On the 11th inst.. a labouring man names George Whitaker, a native of Gloucestershire, residing in Merthyr New Road, Abergavenny, came by his death by accidentally falling down stairs. Deceased had been out as usual following his employment, and being tired, he was about retiring to bed when going up the stairs, he accidentally fell backwards, and stiking the back part of the head, he received such injuries that he died on the Friday following. At the inquest the jury returned a verdict of '' Accidental Death.'' The unfortunate man was 42 years of age, and has left a widow and seven children.'

Do you think he had had a pint or 2, quote
Deceased had been out as usual following his employment,,


Simone x

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