Edward Thomas HOOPER b. 1867 - Grandson of Robert YEMM (General)

by jimashton @, Wednesday, April 15, 2009, 02:33 (5810 days ago) @ unknown

Hi Mauradam

I think you must be right in your researches.

I have an interest in this line. Robert Yemm & Elizabeth Powell also had a son Moses Yemm who married Elizabeth Anthony and they had 4 children, including Emily Edith Yemm who was the 3rd wife of Thomas Trump, the wedding took place 8 Aug 1894, Brazil, Clay Co.IN. USA. My connection here is with Thomas Trump's first wife Dora Read, daughter of William Read & Selina Marfell.

My other, perhaps more significant interest is that the Robert Yemm who married Elizabeth Powell had 9 siblings including a sister Elizabeth 1794 who was the second wife of one of my 4 times Great Uncles James Marfell 1794.

I have not followed the other 8 siblings, but there could be more connections there.

I correspond by email with another researcher in Canada and I will email her to ensure she reads this posting.

Jim Ashton

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