Edward Thomas HOOPER b. 1867 - Grandson of Robert YEMM (General)

by unknown, Sunday, April 19, 2009, 18:57 (5805 days ago) @ jimashton

Hi Jim,

Thank you for the information on Robert. I wonder where Lucy was in 1900. At that time, Robert's daughter, Florence was married to Grant Cassiday/Cassidy and is listed on the census in Bloomington, IL. Also in the house were their children, Frederick, Hazel and Roscoe.

According to her death certificate, which showed her father's name as YEAM, Florence's birthdate was July 12, 1866. She died June 9, 1938 in Vancouver, BC.

The 1900 Census for McLean IL shows Thomas YEAM b. 1872 living with Ella YEAM, b. 1878. George YEAM b. 1873 is in Tazewell IL for the 1900 census.

The 1910 Census for Bottineau, ND also lists George YEAM birth year 1876 and Thomas A.F. YAM birth year 1871.

SSDI for Thomas YEAM shows 31 Mar 1872 as his birthdate, and death Feb 1 1969 at Long Beach, CA.

George YEAM died in the early 1950s, probably in Swift Current, SK. George seemed to go back and forth between spelling his name YEMM and YEAM.

Besides the 2 brothers, Florence had a sister, and her name was Hazel. I found a census entry for Hazel YEAM in Bloomington IL, servant, born Feb 1883 in Illinois with both parents born in England.

Hazel YEAM born July 1884 shows up in the 1911 Census for Moose Jaw, SK with Hazel CASSIDY, born Dec 1892.


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