Children of Edward HALE and Hannah Beard. (General)

by ChristopherHale13, Monday, September 28, 2009, 21:53 (5641 days ago) @ sidhalemm

Hi Bill & Shirleyanne,

Sorry for the long delay in replying - had a few challenges - flu', fall and tooth extraction! so work on Family Tree came to a grinding halt! (to coin a phrase)
Now to get back to where we were. First let me say we can all go up blind alleys in this business! and I will be the first to admit I could well be wrong in attaching my downline to the John Hale (1761, son of Aaron 1741 and Ann Trigge), rather than the John Hale (1756, son of Edward & Hannah Beard).
My tree up to John Hale/Hannah Lodge is all corroberated by data from relevant BMD's, Censuses, the IGI, One World Tree etc. However from John upwards the evidence is meagre and confusing and a certain amount of conjecture was necessary. And now with Shirleyanne's additional entries I am totally confused!!

Bill, I think you may well be right with your baptismal evidence for John (which I hadn't come across). If our John was in fact b. 1756 and not 1761, and if indeed he was the son of Edward 1706 and not Aaron, I stand corrected.

Second, I visited St Ethelbert's Church, Littledean in September last year and copied the graves register and photographed all relevant Hale gravestones still legible: unfortunately not a great help in our quest. So many of the headstones had deteriorated from age and weathering due to the 'soft' local stone used. I can send a copy of what I have if address provided by email.

Finally Bill, I came across a Yemm burial at St. Ethelbert's if anyone interested.


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