Children of Edward HALE and Hannah Beard. (General)

by jlmahlman, Monday, June 14, 2010, 16:17 (5383 days ago) @ sidhalemm

Hi Bill,

I just found this site and this message board. My gr Grandfather was William Hale who was Fanny Hale's younger brother. Fanny was born in Forest of Dean. Her Parents immigrated to Westville, Pictou County, Nova Scotia Canada in 1880.

I have a family tree that lists Fanny and all of her siblings (with birth/death dates) & who they married along with all of their children's names.

I have been finding a lot of information at the Nova Scotia Historical Vital Statistics site:

At the site you can view records online (and order copies) of actual birth, marriage & death records so that you can verify information first hand.

There is also a section of the NS Archives & records site that covers the coal mines & mining accidents:

You can see Samuel Hale (son of William Hale & Sarah Naylor) listed as one of the miners killed in the Drummond Mine disaster of 1873.

Re: your request "Another family story I am trying to figure out is Matthew HALE's service in the US Civil War. Are you familiar with that story?" I have a letter from a distant cousin that says his grandfather wrote a letter saying that "Uncle Matthew" was at the seige of Vicksburg. This distant cousin also alludes to "Uncle Matthew" being a confederate soldier. I hope this is helpful -- I am also going to look into it more.

Also, I have a letter that tells about Sidney's (which I've also seen spelled "Sydney") "regiment" numbers: "Sydney's regiment nos. when he left Canada was 193, in England 185, and in France 85. Service medal and military medal were the two medals."

I have added many of these relatives to my family tree on If you are not on that website, I am happy to share the info with you in other ways if it is of interest.

Do you have more info on John Hale's (1756-12/9/1803) marriage/children?


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