Knight Family Ruardean Woodside (General)

by jimashton @, Saturday, January 02, 2010, 16:58 (5542 days ago)

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Rhoda Read who married Thomas Ernest Knight would have been my 2nd cousin twice removed as her grandmother was Selina Marfell, my great great great aunt who had a most interesting history.

I have a lot of information about this family including a number of certificates, but I also have a lot of gaps.

I am sure we can gain a lot by sharing information and if you wish to do so, click on my email link.

Thanks for the photograph. If you haven't seen it already, you might find the Ed Moll's Bar photograph I submitted of interest.
Deatails and People on the photograph :

ED MOLL’s Bar Oglesby, Illinois, USA About 1910

2C2R = 2nd cousin twice removed. (Relationships applicable to Jim Ashton)

Ross Read b. 15.7.1903 Oglesby, LaSalle, Illinois, USA my 2C2R
Son of William Read (1C3R) & Clara Edwards both born & married East Dean & Emigrated to USA

Edward Moll b. 11.10.1872 (as Eduard De Maux) Maldegem, Belgium
Father. Jan De Mauw b. 1826 Moerekerke, Belgium.
Mother Christina Sarlet b. 21.9.1828 Moerkerke,Belgium
He married Dora Harriett Read b. 15.11.1883 East Dean my 2C2R
They had 12 children incl. Edward Jr. b. 9.10.1906 LaSalle Illinois. USA 3C1R

Oliver Turner b. 15.10.1885 East Dean my 2C2R. Emigrated to USA 1904. Son of George Turner b. 1845 East Dean & Elizabeth Marfell (1C3R) b. 28.6.1849 Ruardean.

Ben Knight b. 11.1.1887 Ruardean emigrated to LaSalle IL. USA. 9.3.1907.
He married Mabel Gibbs b. 16.9.1896 East Dean my 2C2R she emigrated on 9.10.1904 on ship Cedric.

Albert Knight b.1892 my 2C2R. Son of Cornelius Knight b. 1861 Ruardean & Abia Read b. 1868 East Dean my 1C3R.

Relationship to you : Ross Read - son of William Read, who was Rhoda Read's brother. Ed Moll who married Dora Harriett Read, brother of Ross. Ben Knight - Thomas Ernest Knight's brother, Albert Knight whose mother was Abia Read, Rhoda's aunt

Jim Ashton

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