Knight Family Ruardean Woodside (General)

by Alan.Lonslow, Saturday, August 08, 2015, 18:23 (3498 days ago) @ jimashton

Hello Jim
In researching my maternal family, the Wood's, I have discovered that Albert married my Great Aunt, Ethel May/Mary in 1927. My interest is aroused because family lore is that Albert accompanied my grandfather, William Wood (Ethel's brother), to the States in the late 19th cent in search of gold, so at this time, probably the Yukon Gold Rush? it also thought that Albert bought land somewhere in America and stayed there, whilst William returned home to marry my grandmother Margaret Ann Price in 1908 in Brecon. We have ship manifest records showing Albert criss-crossing the Atlantic in the first part of 20th cent but have no idea if any of the rest is true! Albert and William were both born in Ruardean c1881/2 and it's just maybe Albert returned to Glos in 1908 for the wedding?

Of course, Albert's mother was another Selina (Parson's), wife of Cornelius Knight.

As I said, I have just started looking at Albert and the prospect oh his going to America so have little to offer you, other than another rumour to investigate!

If you know anything of Albert in the early 20th cent - or earlier, I would be delighted to hear of it - or anything else you might think would add some meat to the vital records.

Best wishes

Alan Lonslow(son of nee Brenda Wood)

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