Anyone know of the family of Francis Albert Oakley b1873. (General)

by Rosie, Thursday, March 18, 2010, 05:20 (5466 days ago)

Hello again. I posted a message earlier today looking for the family of my gggrandfather John Oakley b1822 Gloucester.
I have just been having a good look around your great site, and found your Parish of which stands out for me, as this family consists of names that have become family names here in Australia of the descendants of my John Oakley. The family line I have found in the Parish Records are for Francis Albert Oakley b1873, farmer from Garway (son of William and Ann Oakley of Brampton St Ross on Wye), and his wife Eliza. I note that their children are named Frances Annie b1909, Frederick William b1911, Alfred Leonard b1913 and Arthur Henry b1914.
The children of my John Oakley here in Australia are, Walter Henry born 1857, Albert William born 1860, John James born 1868, Theresa born 1860, Frances Mary (who named her first daughter Annie..not Anne) b1862, and Leonard Leslie b1869.....these people went on to name their children in turn as such..William, Johnathan James, Walter, James Joseph, George Leonard, Albert William, Alfred James, Francis Arthur, Annie Louisa, Elizabeth Martha, and Edward Frederick.....these names are repeated over the generations, and appear to be 'family names'.
Does anyone know of the family of Francis Albert Oakley b1873 from Garway and the line that he comes from??


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