Anyone know of the family of Francis Albert Oakley b1873. (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Sunday, April 20, 2014, 19:38 (3971 days ago) @ heatherwyman

Hi Heather and welcome to this great site. You may have noticed Rosie's username on the thread appears as black rather than blue. Unfortunately this means she hasn't been actively using this site for quite some time, possibly years, so unfortunately she may not see your post. If it was a blue username you can click on it to track that user's recent activity and also send a direct email to their computer. It's just possible this forum's admin MAY still have a record of Rosie's lastknown email address if you really want to contact her.
I do hope I'm wrong and Rosie does see your post, meanwhile good luck with your FH researches.

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