Thomas Watkins of Arlingham (General)

by RENS, Sunday, March 28, 2010, 12:21 (5455 days ago) @ m p griffiths

Many thanks for this. I have been trying to make sense of it.

I have a copy of the Samuel Watkins/Mary Ann Short marriage certificate. (Samuel was my Great Grandfather. He died in 1911!)Thomas is described as a labourer and was, presumably, alive. He should be in the 1941 census.

If Thomas Walkins is my man he would have been born around 1756, and Samuel would have been born when he was around 54. I guess that's ok. Was anybody living with him in 1941? I don't have any siblings for Samuel.

Since eldest children were often named after their father I suspect there is likely to be a younger Thomas. I wonder if he was the Thomas who married Sarah Ambrose in 1811. Supposing he was about 20 when he married Sarah in 1811 he could easily be Samuel's older brother.

If you can think of any way I can pursue this I would welcome further comment.

I must say I would welcome a distant relative from Newland. I know the Church and the Ostrich quite well.

Thanks again


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