Thomas Watkins of Arlingham (General)

by RENS, Sunday, March 28, 2010, 20:27 (5455 days ago) @ m p griffiths

That was very interesting and I have made some progress. However, I have a big reservation.

Thomas seems to have had many chilren by Sarah (Ambrose)

Thomas 1802
William 1804 - died 1805
William 1806
Ann 1808
Mary 1809
Dinah 1813

and possibly

Samuel 1816
Samuel 1817

Now my Samuel, and I have his death certificate stating he was 101 in 1911, was born in 1810. He would fit very nicely into the early series but I can't find any mention of his birth. I suppopse he could have been mistaken about his age although he died with family around him. I can't see two more Samuels having the same name if he survived. Perhaps these two were not the same family.

Assuming he does belong in this series I think there were five step brothers and sisters by a first wife, Ann Finch. There is a marriage between Thomas and Ann at Arlingham dated 9.11.1786 and five children born between 1787 and 1796.

Then Thomas appears to be the eldest of five children born to Wm.Watkins and Margaret Mayberry of St Briavells who were married in 1744.

It looks highly likely. If only I could be sure my Samuel, born in 1810, was part of this family.

Thanks for the tip re the IGI, I didn't know it could be used that way.

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