How can obtain copies of the 1841 tithe property owners (General)

by tonyjenkins @, Friday, April 02, 2010, 22:17 (5450 days ago)

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Hi David

Your help is much appreciated.

Could you plaese advise how I can obtain copies of the 1841 tithe property owners plus copy of the the names of those in residence?

Plot 1852 corresponds with the property rented by my grandparents in 1926 while property 1859 Next to Browns Hill correspond with the property rented during the 1950's by my Great Uncle Robert.

The property you marked in red came into the family through William Wood the father of my 4x GGrandmother. On her death in 1861 the property was left to Willian Jenkins the person who I believe was living in the property adjacent to Browns Hill.

Kind Regards

Tony Jenkins

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