How can obtain copies of the 1841 tithe property owners (General)

by dsteel @, Tuesday, April 06, 2010, 04:58 (5447 days ago) @ tonyjenkins

Hello again, Tony.

I have browsed copies of the occupiers' schedule at Gloucestershire RO and at the Gage library at the museum in the forest, but since the fire, who knows?
A complete set of all Tithe Maps and Apportionments is held at The National Archives under reference numbers IR 29 and IR 30.
I would be quite happy to send you photo-copies of the owners' schedule, either by post or by e-mail. There are six A4 pages which I could scan as images and forward as attachments. Perhaps you would let me know, off-list, which you prefer. As Admin. advises us not to include e-mail addresses on this board, let's see if we can confuse the "trawlers". My user name is dsteel and I can be found at optusnet dotcom dotau.


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