Freeminers:- Elley (General)

by unknown, Monday, May 24, 2010, 13:52 (5398 days ago) @ Paul Andrews

Thank you for your reply. I have done extensive research on the Elley family of the Forest of Dean over the last 20years or so. Before the info. became freely available I had a great deal of help from the archivist at Gloucester County Council, however I am still stuck on the death of my great grandfather Richard Elley. I know the dates of death of his first wife and children and also the whereabouts of my great grandmother Emma (previous married name Worgan, nee Hawkins), his second wife/partner. I have been told that he may have been buried in the path alongside the cemetery in Coleford, which is where people who couldn't afford funerals were taken. I imagine that poverty was a factor resulting in the move of Emma and her children including my grandfather Albert to Pontypridd. I would like to know a little more about the burial path and whether or not any record of such burials exists.
In 1881 Richard was living at 8 Staunton Road with Emma and their family, but by the time of the 1891 census his first wife Elizabeth was listed as a widow so the assumption is that he died within that 10 year period.

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