Benjamin ELLEY of Scowles born 1867 (General)

by unknown, Wednesday, January 19, 2011, 08:50 (5158 days ago) @ slowhands

Thanks Slowhands,

This has bugged me for years, I have kept on going back to it and now can't believe the answer was so simple.

I had assumed that as Benjamins father was known he would have been baptised in the name of Elley and not in his mothers married name of Worgan which was the case.
Emma and Richard never married, they lived in quite close proximity to his first wife Elizabeth and their children Richard, Eliza and Mary until the move to Pontypridd. It seems that only in exceptional circumstances would this be tolerated by the local community. Richard and Elizabeth had another son called John who died at the age of 13 in a fall of iron ore, they were already separated at that time.


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