Demise of the MEEK-ons ! (General)

by Jean Herbert @, Leeds Yorkshire, Thursday, July 01, 2010, 11:07 (5360 days ago) @ cmfenton

I dont know if I dare to ask this question after ruining a lot of people's trees but:
What relation was Moses Meek (second husband of Lucy Meek) to Isaiah Meek, Lucy's first husband? I was (and still am) researching the Herbert family at the moment and had no intentions - at this present time - to get into the Meek or Marfell families. They were all so intermarried that one or the other pops up when least expected and of course we have to start digging.
Thank you for all the people who contributed to this thread and hope that Jim Ashton does not appear up North to throw a brick through my window. (Up north being Yorkshire, not Lancashire)
Regards Jean Herbert

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