Demise of the MEEK-ons ! (General)

by jimashton @, Thursday, July 01, 2010, 12:21 (5360 days ago) @ Jean Herbert


I am always happy to make changes to my Family Tree when fresh information deems it appropriate to do so. I strive to get it right.

My user friendly software can also answer your query about the relationship between Lucy Parsons spouses - Moses Meek 1828 and Isaiah Meek 1826 were 4th cousins.

Both Moses Meek 1828 and Isaiah Meek 1826 are my 4th cousins 3 times removed. However, Lucy Parsons is my 1st cousin 4 times removed, thanks to your telling me in an email recently that her father George Parsons spouse was Margaret Herbert, where previous to your email I had not known Margaret's surname was Herbert and was my GGGG Aunt. So having "moved" Lucy nee Parsons as being the second wife of Moses Meek 1828, all their children become 2nd cousins 3 times removed, previously they were 5th cousins twice removed.

My software also allows me to view earlier versions prior to any changes so I can see what effect the change has made and see what relationships were before the change, not that this influences the need to make the change, but it is interesting.

I decided to check out the baptisms and see what you mean about the age of some children at baptism. I could not find Giles 1854.

I did discover a marriage for Lucy Meek 1856 (baptised 1861) to Alfred Meek 1855 in 1878. I previously had Lucy's sister Jane 1860 (baptised 1870) as married to Alfred Meek's brother John 1859 in 1884. All parish records on this site. I have thus far only found 3 marriages and all have been to spouses already in my Family Tree.

Jim Ashton

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