Hyatt surname to Hyatt Cox, can anyone help (General)

by unknown, Thursday, September 09, 2010, 14:55 (5288 days ago)

while researching our family history we find that our great great great grandfarther on parish records was named john hyatt however on some censors record he is named cox. Was this common this a common practise of changing surnames as we find that there are lot of hyatt and cox on the records.

John Hyatt born in The Hayes near viney hill 1822 and he married Hannah Charles who born in 1824. Both married in 1950. The only way i can link the cox to the surname is that a john cox and elizeberth cox lived at the hays around the same time as John Hyatt. The Hayes was a small holding below the Hayes Wood at Vinney Hill.

In the 1841 he names himsef as John Hyatt and in the 1861 censors he is called John Hyatt Cox. Can anyone share any liget on this please.

Or if you are related please contact me

Neil Felton

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