by m p griffiths @, Saturday, November 26, 2011, 12:32 (4845 days ago) @ unknown

Assume you have your family tree already!!!

FOD records: Marriage at Blaisdon - 25 April 1834

William HYETT - Bachelor
residence: Huntley in the County of Glocester (sic)


Margaret HAMPTON, Spinster residence: Blaysdon

by Banns

Mark of James PARRY and William BAILEY

Officiating Minister:

Will(iam) BLACK (Rector)

1841 Census, Huntley


William - 40 Ag. Lab. not born in County
Margarett - 25 - born in County
William - 6
Harriott - 4
George - 1

Gloucestershire BDM


HYETT - Mother's maiden name: HAMPTON

All Gloucester, Huntley

Diana - 1851
George - 1839
Henry -1844
Julia Ann - 1853
Mary - 1854
Rosanna - 1841
Rosanna - 1851
Susan - 1847


1851 Census, Huntley


William 50 - Born Darlington, Devon (1861 census, born Devon, Devon) ? Dartington, Totnes, Devon **
Margaret - 37 born Blaisdon
Harriett - 15
George - 11
Henry - 6
Susannah - 3
Dinnah - 3 months
Rosanna - 3 months

? Church of Latter Day Saints, have a William HYOTT, christened 31 August 1800, James & Susannah - and William did name a daughter Susannah ??

1851 Census, Glos. Longford St Catherine

Tewkesbury Road, White House

William HYATT - age 15, General Servant, born Huntley

working for a Henry ADAMS a Vinegar Maker, born Hope Mansell, Herefordshire.


1871 Census, Glamorgan, Newcastle

William HYATT - 37 - labourer, born Glos. Huntley
MAFITEA (Matilda) - age 36, born Hereford, Barnshill
Henry Wm - 7 - born Huntley
Geo. Fre. 4 - born Glamorgan
Amos - 10 months


1881 Census, Harry Hill, WOS - East Dean


William - 47, General Labourer, born Glos.Huntley
Matilda - 47 - born Hereford Aston Ingham
Henry W - 16 , born Huntley
George F - 14 - born Glamorgan
Arthur - 12 - born Wales
Aines - 10 - born Wales Bridgend
Tom - 8 - Glos. East Dean
Mary J - 6 - Glos. Elming Row?
Rosena M - 7 - ditto


1891 Census, East Dean, Bilson Green


William - 57 - General labourer, born Cinderford
Matilda - 57 - born Cinderford
George F - 24 - born Wales
Arthur - 23 - born Rhonda Valley
Tom - 18 - Grocer's Asst. born Gloucester
Matilda R - 13 - born Gloucester

Gloucestershire BDM , give the mother's maiden name as MALSON and also WINTER(S)

and looking at the marriages on Gloucestershire BDM

William HYETT, married Matilda MALSON and Matilda WINTER - Forest of Dean, Monmouth Register Office, 1864


FOD records

Baptism at Blaisdon - 26 December 1813

Margaret HAMPTON


Thomas (Rat Catcher) and Hannah ** (residence: Blaysdon)


On the 1861 Census for Blaisdon

William HYETT - is a Lodger, age 26, labourer, born Huntley

and next door


John HAMPTON, 44, Hurdle Maker, born Blaisdon (Margaret's brother)
Mary - 45 - born Churcham
Hannah - 18 - Blaisdon
Arthur - 15
Rosena - 8



1841 Census, Blaisdon

Hannah HAMPTON - 60
William HAMPTON - 35
Thomas HAMPTON - 20


Using the Advance Search for baptism at Blaisdon - parents Thomas & Hannah HAMPTON

Mary Ann - 1802
William - 1804
Ann - 1806
Sarah - 1809
Jane - 1811
Margaret - 1813 - Rat Catcher
John - 1817 - Rat Catcher
Thomas - 1819 - labourer


FOD records : Marriage at Lydney - 12 January 1802

Thomas HAMPTON, of Blaisdon


Hanna TAYLOR - of this Parish - by Licence
mark of Richard MORSE & John THOMAS

Memoranda: Tuesday


Burial at Blaisdon - 23 March 1830 - Thomas HAMPTON age 60


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