Clarke/Virgo Blakeney (General)

by mrsbruso @, Thursday, November 04, 2010, 03:25 (5231 days ago) @ mrsbruso

Didn't someone researching the Clarke's mention the Virgo family?

I found a marriage between Ann Clarke and Thomas Virgo, in Newland, Aug 13, 1838. She lived in Blakeney, he in Yorkley (sp?)

The following children were baptised in Blakeney, with their address listed as Gibraltar . . .

Eliza, Sept 3, 1848
Anne, Sept 3, 1848
Richard, Sept 3, 1848
William, July 14, 1839
Henry, April 25, 1852 . . .

Ann died February 3, 1895 and is buried at Viney Hill.

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