William CLARK 1775 ish & Hannah WILLIAMS 1778 Blakeney/Awre (General)

by mrsbruso @, Wednesday, December 01, 2010, 00:37 (5204 days ago) @ slowhands

I had assumed Thomas Clarke, whose mother is listed as Hannah Williams was William's child, and there had been a transcription error. I submitted it for correction, on the theory it would just be too much of a coincidence that two Clarkes (Thomas and William) would both be married to Hannah Williams in Blakeny. Mr. Davison was kind enough to send me an image of the original documents . . .And the original clearly states "Thomas" as the father.

The odds would have to be astronomical. Besides which Thomas is William's younger brother. So it's not a transcription error, but I think it may be a matter of the minister simply writing "Thomas" twice.

I wondered about the "Goss" as well. There was a Charles George Goss listed in the parish records, however he is a good 50 years or so younger than our Charles. I'm guessing there's something important about the name as well, as my Grandfather, born in 1881, is also called Charles George.

The only particularly local link I can make to Goss is the death, in 1955, of an infant, Lucien Goss, at Lower Viney Farm, Blakeney. Ancestry lists more entries for Charles George Goss than I would have expected, but nothing seems local to the Forest.

I saw the unnamed Clarke child buried at Blakeney Baptist but wasn't sure what to make of it. I assumed it was an infant rather than one of the other children. But having baptised the others at Blakeney Chapel, why would this one be buried at Blakeney Baptist? When I first saw it I wondered if Elizabeth had died then as well, as it would account for her absence in 1841 . . .

Mary Ann Clarke did sometimes attend Baptist services, but my understanding was that it was because she was the organist for the church, and my grandfather was in the choir, but I think that was when they were in Cardiff.

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