Stephen Wheatstone/Whetstone and Hannah (General)

by jimashton @, Thursday, November 04, 2010, 12:39 (5233 days ago) @ roderick Wheatstone

Hi Roderick

Thanks for the info. I have now changed my family tree to show Ann Cowmeadow, daughter of James Cowmeadow & Mary Tingle as being the spouse of Thomas Meredith. Luckily my family tree software makes moving entire families and all their dependants a fairly easy operation

Although I have 140 Cowmeadows in my family tree including 10 William's, the William Cowmeadow 1775 you show as being the father of Hannah who married Stephen Whetstone is unknown to me.

The Thomas Meredith I showed previously as being the spouse of Elizabeth Trigg stands, you will note from my posting that this Thomas Meredith was the son of John Meredith & Elizabeth Oakey. The Thomas Meredith who married Ann Cowmeadow was the son of Thomas Meredith.

Although all those mentioned above are not directly related to me it is very important to get things right. My connection with Stephen Whetstone is via daughter Esther 1846 who married 4th cousin 3 times removed Moses Brain 1845, also via Stephen Whetstone's son John Stephen as his daughter Anne Whetsone married 2nd cousin 3 times removed Alan Martin Treherne 1871. I have 254 Treherne's in my family tree, my mother was a Treherne, her mother being a Marfell.

Jim Ashton

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