Stephen Wheatstone/Whetstone and Hannah (General)

by roderick Wheatstone @, Saturday, December 18, 2010, 17:31 (5189 days ago) @ jimashton

Hi Jim,
I have william c1700 married elizabeth pen c1703,their son william 1735 married sarah roberts married on21 may 1755 their son william born 1775 died 1853 was father of hannah who married stephen whetstone.
william 1735 was brother of james 1737 to 1807 who married ann evans1737 to 1829
They also had a william 1778 to 1855 who married mary hatton on 29-09-1804.Also they had a son james 1768 to 1821 who married mary tingle on 24-03-1807.
I also have their daughter ann married to thomas meredith,she also had a william brother born 1807 died 1807,hence the brother william 1820 of tasmanian notoriety.

Hope this makes sense to you and be of help

regards rod wheatstone.

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