Salmon Fishing - "Putchers" (General)

by mrsbruso @, Thursday, December 09, 2010, 20:01 (5195 days ago) @ jhopkins

Wow. Thank you both. I'm very much looking forward to doing some more research on the subject. I don't know if the putchers play a role in the family legend or not, as I was young and foolish and didn't know enough to ask the pertinent questions. I think it applied to the Severn rather than the Wye as George Cadogan was more focussed on the Clarkes and Cadogans in Awre. (Perhaps the surprisingly high number of young Cadogan boys who "drowned in the Severn" is related to fishing, although perhaps not.) At the time I was more interested in figuring out what happened to William Lewis and much of the Forest family history more or less washed over me. I listened, but I didn't pay as much attention as I wish I had in hindsight.

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