River Severn Fishing Photos (General)

by mrsbruso @, Monday, December 13, 2010, 17:05 (5191 days ago) @ admin

I'm going to try to order the series or the book; plus try to find out if George Cadogan's son David has any info on this. I also found a fascinating article on line; www.magnificentsevern.co.uk: the river that flows backwards. It is not completely on point but I found it very, very interesting.

And no worries about poaching, Slowhands. I have a nice creek running through my pasture and other than helping the little ones to find turtles, frogs and pollywogs I have no interest in anything swimming in it. I have riparian rights to it but suspect the neighbouring farmer would object if I did much of anything with it as he uses it to water his livestock. (Another reason I'm happy yo be upstream of the horses and cattle!)

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