Rowland Pitt/Pytt, Newland (General)

by russell james @, cross farm grosmont, Wednesday, September 21, 2005, 06:07 (7112 days ago) @ cheryl

I photocopyed one page of the booklet and its says

A CURIOUS BUILDING,of TEN rooms on the ground floor, enclosed within fquare brick wall, and the front thickly planted with fhrubs, which give to the dwelling fomething the appearance of an hermitage in a gentman's pleafure grounds

A few excerpts
This Lady, native of the ARTHEE, in the parifh of Tregare. but during her refidence here fhe fhuts herfelf up in the moft reclufe manner, never appearing except at Church. She retired to Clifton where in 1800 fhe ended her days. Her eftates which were confiderable to go Mrs Chaworth. then to Mr Boyer fhopkeeper.

The houfe can hardly be faid to be finifed; for Mrs Pytt having purchafed a manfion in USK called THE GREAT HOUSE.

MY telephone number is 01981 240436

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