Rowland Pitt/Pytt, Newland (General)

by russell, Thursday, September 22, 2005, 17:53 (7111 days ago) @ Cheryl

hello there

I've had another thought, (it's always dangerous for me) Bradney mentions in his book on Raglan, page 32 The Blue Broom is a comfortable house with several meadows belonging. This in 1822, and latter was the residence of Edmund Bowyer?.

John Curr mentioned in Margaret Pytt will, is this the same family at Howick Chepstow famous for their Curr fox hounds etc. Just looking up John Curr in Bradneys index, it seems he died in 1777 at Bath, page 62 Hundred of Raglan.

All the best in the search and thank you for your help russell.

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