Paul Selby son of Meshach Selby/Martha James (General)

by selbyfamily @, Tuesday, November 27, 2012, 10:35 (4489 days ago) @ selbyfamily

To anyone interested in these families. Meshack and Martha Selby with their children, Paul and Mercy, went to Australia in 1855. I was originally told that Paul was murdered but no details were available. However, I have now found the following on the internet which shows it was an accidental death.

Sydney Morning Herald, Friday, 13 Nov 1868
are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his late departed Son PAUL ; to move from his residence Wymes-street, Stanmore, THIS (Friday) AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock. W. CURTIS, Undertaker, Newtown.

Maitland Mercury 17.11.1868
Fatal Accident.-An inquiry was held at the Benevolent Asylum on Thursday, reporting the death of a young man named Paul Selby, who, it appeared met with his death from having fallen from a dray that he was driving, when the wheel passed over his body, causing fatal injuries to the lungs and brain,-A verdict of accidental death was returned.-S M. Herald Nov 13.

Sheila Selby

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