SELBY / DARBY Hewlesfield thread (General)

by selbyfamily @, Sunday, July 15, 2007, 02:55 (6451 days ago) @ slowhands

Please can someone help me. I am researching the Selby family of Hewelsfield which I have done as far as I can go at the moment. I have now started on the Darbys. There are Darbys on two sides of my husband's family. Firstly Jane Darby married to John Selby (1795); secondly Margaret Darby (c 1840), husband Charles William Hill, who was my husband's great grandmother (mother of Margaret Harriet Hill who was married to George Selby, gggrandson of John). I believe Margaret Darby was a daughter of Peter Darby (c 1801) and Margaret Lewis and sister of Manoah Darby - gravestone in Hewelsfield churchyard. What I really want to find is the connection, if any, between Jane Darby and Peter Darby. The Parish Records at the moment do not go back far enough to find their parents - is there somewhere else I could look? There are about 8 lots of parents in the baptisms (late 1700s-early 1800s) who could be brothers and sisters but the marriages do not state the parents which is very frustrating. Jane's parents were James Darby and Rachel Lewis and Peter's parents were Peter and Elizabeth (both surnames Darby on the marriage certificate - so who was Elizabeth?). Maybe James and Peter were brothers. I would be most grateful for any help you can give me.


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