Willsteads on High Street Cinderford (General)

by willow, Tuesday, April 26, 2005, 08:34 (7261 days ago) @ willow

This shop is causing headaches.

I now have 2 photographs of the shop, one full frontal(A) and the the other dave sent above(B)

Picture A shows the shop with white paint work, picture B shows with black, I presumed that it had been repainted at sometime as decorator is listed as a sons trade.

So when I visited Cinderford last weekend I took a picture of the street as it is now to find the Willstead shop as in pic B and it shows it is now Lloyds bank, these I showed to my father this weekend,

Only to hear him say, it wasnt there in 1929 ish, it was further down the high st.!! Pic B shows it near the Lion Pub, dads recalls its further down nearer a pub called 7 Stars..

Can anyone tell me how I can locate any proof of address for either shop and confirm it had moved premises or not

in Kellys Directory in 1897 Thomas Willstead is listed as Shopkeeper
and in the 1914 copy he is listed as Thomas Willstead outfitter high st

also Thomas's abode at his death ( 1929) was 104 high st
and his wife abode at death (1931)was 1 Parrogate Road

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