Seven Stars on High Street Cinderford (General)

by willow, Wednesday, April 27, 2005, 03:42 (7260 days ago) @ slowhand\\\'s

Thank you,
So it would appear that when my dad was 4 and starting school his recollection of going to the shop for a school cap and the shop being down further down the High St than the old postcard photo.

It now means this was the later shop which looking at the will of Thomas was possibly sold when he died in 1929 and 104 high street as his abode at death must have been the address of the shop as my dad recalls rooms behind.
He now informs me that he recalls the shop being on the left as you look down the high st .. Is the 7 stars on the left?

And this one must have been an earlier shop photo

My father did tell me the name of someone who either worked or owned the 7 stars, but it alludes me till I phone him again

Looks like I will have to make another journey to Gloucester again, to look around the area.

Thanks for your help Slowhands ....
I'm trying to get everything in some order to present my father a book about his life and family in time for his 80th birthday in August

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