by rhianonturrell @, Sunday, March 08, 2020, 10:55 (1830 days ago) @ admin

I too did not see the message and cannot see it now, although I was ill over Christmas so may have missed it.Like the other responses I am not sure what is wanted and I am also a bit long in the tooth to take on actual running of the site. Please believe that you are very much appreciated by anyone with Forest ancestors as the most helpful and friendly group I have found and I frequently recommend you to others.
I have noticed a bit less activity on the site which may be due to a number of things so I tend not to check it every day as I used to, so maybe others are doing the same. The transcribed records have been an invaluable help in my research into AMBREYs & HUZZEYs and other families as have some of the wills.
I am shortly moving house which is proving very stressful this time but if in the prolonged hanging about stage there is anything I can do, please let me know.

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